'Langar' is a Marathi film that projects the life of the Waghya Murli community in Maharashtra. The story is based on a book written by renowned social reformist, Anil Awchat. The film creates awareness about the exploitation, sorrow and traditions that prevail in the Waghya Murli community. The film throws light on injustice to children from a particular community in a village, where parents offer their children to God, just to keep their vows to God.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Kishori Shahane, Ravi Kale, Manava Naik, Milind Shinde, Pankaj Vishnu, Vinay Apte
Crew: Sandeep Manohar Navre (Writer), Sunil Phadtare (Executive Producer), Ketan Adiya (Editor), Mandar Khare (Music), Abhijit Shriram Deo (Sound Designer), Surya Mishra (Cinematography)
Country: India
Studio: Niharika Arts
Runtime: 116 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 19, 2012
IMDb: 10