The film revolves around "Nadia" who refuses to marry lawyer "Hatem", who covets a rich marriage, while "Laila", who is assisted by her father and a great lawyer in his research, is impressed by Youssef, who owns a film company, decides to work with him.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Sanaa Gamil, Poussi, Farouq Al Fishawy, Samah Anwar, Safaa Al Sabaa, Afaf Rashad
Crew: Nadia Hamza (Director), Nadia Hamza (Writer), Inas Bakr (Screenplay), Muhamed Al Najar (Assistant Director)
Country: Egypt
Language: العربية
Studio: Tamido Film Production and Distribution (Medhat El-Sherif)
Runtime: 105 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 03, 1986
IMDb: 10