Lakshmi is an action-suspense thriller, in which Shivaraj Kumar playing the title role while Priyamani in the female lead role. Lakshmi Narayana alias Lakshmi is a ruthless CBI officer. The film begins with the hero kidnapping a internationally-renowned dancer Akriti. While cops lead by Ravi Kaale capture Lakshmi, they are not aware of his true identity and assume that the kidnapper is being protected by powerful people. Little less they know that he has abducted a terrorist to find clues about his missing wife Priya aka Reshma (Priyamani) and it is believed that she cheated him and left with an underworld don. As he finds the culprits one after another, he gets an anonymous call that make him to come to Hong Kong. His mission is clear - find his wife and kill her along with the kingpin. How he finds his wife? What role does his wife play in the film? Answers to these questions will form the crux of the story.
Stars: Shivaraj Kumar, Priyamani, Saloni Aswani, Komal Kumar, Dilip Raj, Rangayana Raghu
Crew: M. S. Ramesh (Writer), Raghava Loki (Writer), Raghava Loki (Director), Bharani Minerals (Producer), Gurukiran (Music), K. S. Chandrasekhar (Director of Photography)
Country: India
Language: ?????
Studio: Bharani Minerals
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 17, 2013
IMDb: 10